Part 6: Returning Point

Compared to last time, this recap will be mercifully short. Let's get right to it!

3. If you've already figured out which animals can make it to the exit, congratulations. But think for a moment about the title of this puzzle. All of the animals are free once they leave their cages, but it can be a jungle out there. Just because an animal can find its way to the exit doesn't mean it'll make it out alive...

2. Every time a given person relays the message to another person, the number of people who know the message will increase by one.
3. One minute after the game starts, two people will know the message. If each of those people then goes on to spread the message, by the end of the second minute, a total of four people will know the message. Do you see where this is going?

We haven't had much of a chance to gain new parts after collecting the frame from Samuel, but from now onwards we'll gain them at a pretty decent clip.

Well, let's think for a moment. We now know that Tom's a li'l doggie and we've seen that weird girl carrying a dog but she was heading this way. We've been through every room en route since then and seen neither hide nor hair of her.
Well, when we ran into her before it was just by the Observation Deck so that seems like a good place to check first.

And we'll run into Chelmey waiting outside Babette's room along the way too.

That should be easy enough to do. Let's just keep going and...

Hrm, this guy's new AND he's in the way of the door to the deck.

Oh hey, one of these. At a scant few moments throughout the game, there's minor barriers in place that are removed if you've completed a specific number of puzzles. They're all very easy to just forget about since their amounts are low enough to be beaten and then some long before you get even close to the check itself. Case in point, right here where we've gotten 24 done already.

Normally when you get past these barriers, the person or object in place is a non-issue afterwards. In this case, Grousley's still there which is kind of weird.

Um, no, not really.

Alright fine, I'll just get this done sharpish then and we can move on.

I told you we'd be getting these at a quick pace.

And thankfully, the person we're looking for is just enjoying the sights herself.

And with that, Flora officially joins the party!

If you somehow don't know, Flora's kind of like the Professor's adopted daughter in a sense. After the events of the first game, he became her legal guardian and somehow she went unmentioned until now beyond being in a handful of short scenes. Not the best start to that very important role, huh?
That aside, there's not much else we can do right now, so we'll just head back to Babette's room to finally return Tom.

Fade to black number 1...

My, how generous!
...But yeah from NOW is when we start to get more hamster toys. Took long enough; still can't do much with just this though.
Anyway, fade to black number 2...

And with that, we've already finished the first "mystery" of the game.
Yeah, uh, that this counts as one of them is quite telling about how hard they were stretching it. Since we haven't run into all 10 yet I won't update the second post with this at the moment.
Instead, let's just leave this room and return to our own.

Fade to black number 3...

Right, so this presents a bit of a problem. Good news is that for the moment we're finally off the train. Bad news is this is our only shot to grab those hint coins (if you care) and Beluga has nothing of interest to say.
We can only go left from here, so we'll follow Sam.

Sam has the right idea; let's just rela-

Yeah, uh, there's no way we can move a train so we should just leave this to the majestic and noble SteveHank.

Layton, what did I just say?! It's not like there's any hint coins here or anything.

Try not to think too hard about the logistics of how this works in practice.

1. Your first goal is to get the cars from the shorter train to their assigned places.
2. Move the red car marked 1 to the space on the far-right side of the upper track. After that, move all the white cars down to the lower track, and you'll be able to slide that first red car into its assigned spot.
3. Apply the method described in Hint Two to move the other cars, and you'll have those trains switched around in no time!
I suppose this counts as a sliding puzzle. Because I am an awful hypocrite, I don't mind this one as much though.
Because it's absurdly easy and the method I employ while very simple is not the most efficient. That you can get away with that, without it shooting the move counter over 100 by default is kind of a godsend honestly.

Fade to black number... four? Sounds right.

So, just as a brief reminder: 4 puzzles total in this update. 3 have given camera parts.
...Try not to think about where this one came from either.
The good news, however, is that we're now done with Chapter 1 at last. Unlike Curious Village, there isn't a "chapter complete" stamping scene or intermediary moments.
The best news is that we're finally off the train for real! Sweet, sweet freedom!

1. You never know what secrets the area around the window might hide. Try using those studs stuck around the frame of the window to simplify things.
2. Open the Memo function and, using the studs around the window, divide the picture into 10 squares. There, now doesn't that make things easier?

Much like with Curious Village there are several puzzles accessible as DLC. Not so much any more thanks to the DS WiFi stuff being removed a long while back now, but thankfully they're all on-cart so we can still get to them.
If you're wondering why we're starting with number 2, well... 1 is yet-another-sliding puzzle so we'll deal with that later.

1. There are plenty of solutions if you were free to make lots of moves, but you need the answer involving the fewest moves. Also, only numbers in the two rightmost columns should move.
They also have only one hint each. They cost no coins, give no picarats etc. etc. because they're external bonus extras.

1. The next time the clocks look the same, they won't be pointing at 12:00. Once you realize that, it's just a simple calculation problem.

1. Those two squares that stick out on the far right are part of an edge of the finished piece.

1. It helps to know that opposite faces on a single die always add up to seven. Use that as the basis for your deduction.